Wednesday, October 14, 2009

You Might Be a Mom...

If you take a shower and get dressed in the afternoon just before picking up kids from school... you might be a mom. If your 19 year old daughter calls and asks what you're doing and you tell her you're getting ready to dry your hair and she asks, "Why? Where are you going?" ... You might be a mom. If you're so proud of yourself you text your friend down the street to tell her you took a shower and she tells you to stop bragging... you might be a mom. If the clothes you pick out to wear smell like dust... you might be a mom. If you put them on anyway and then notice they also have paint on them... you might be a mom.

Either that or I'm pathetic and need new clothes! And loftier goals! LOL

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Who's Sick???

At one time, my oldest daughter asked what I did all day long. Yeah, she didn't make that mistake again. But for anyone who is wondering... come on over. Seriously, come on over and just take a look at this thing called my house that resembles a war zone. Because whatever it is that I do, I did NOT do yesterday. And do you think anyone cares??? Nope, not a one. So here I am, cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. It really does not pay to be sick. One day laying in bed, dozing... because you can not truly sleep with a 3 year old who likes to open your eyelids and ask if you're sleeping, and I'm going to pay for it for days. But go ahead and leave the dishes in the sink, clothes in the floor and by the way, since mom is down for the count, don't put anything where it belongs since she's not looking. That's helpful. Kids... gotta love 'em.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Saturday to Me!

So I wake up this morning and Greg, Charli and Nicole are gone to practice/try-outs. Nicole spent the night last night so she could go to the Welcome Back Dance with Charli. They had a good time, I went to bed on time, got a full 8 hours and woke up to stormy skies and a little bit of rain. It was great!

Then Lacey calls me and tells me she owes $336 for tuition. But I've already paid tuition. In fact, it had gone up 10% and I paid that, in full back in July. So I go on-line to find out what this $336 business is about and well, CSU decided in it's infinite wisdom to increase the tuition and fees. Just like that. No matter that I had already paid, no don't think about putting it on for next semester, they want $336 and they want it now. Whoopee!

So I go to my online banking to see if there's any blood in that turnip. I was told that Greg's getting a 10% cut in pay starting September. I don't know who keeps the calendar at that company but 8/15 is NOT September. Yup ~ they cut his pay.

This is after the night before when Taylor tells me her truck is not running well and is trying to describe all the noises it's making. Special. And we had to buy a car for Greg so now I have a payment that I didn't have. And my kid's softball organization decided that they needed all new matching uniforms and cleats and bags that's going to cost us $2000 per kid. Yeah, I don't think so. Looks like it's time to find a new team. Well, it's not really the team, it's the organization and you know what, we don't need to be part of that. Seriously.

Then I get a text from Taylor saying that her friend's dad died. Mom got up to go get coffee, came back to bed and he wasn't breathing. WELL ~ If that didn't put things in perspective for me, I don't know what will. She asked me to pray for the family. I did and did a little "Thank You God" for us.

The two little kids are fighting, Lacey says she should just quit school and I opened a beer at 11:30am this morning.

I have a new theme song by the way... "God is great, beer is good.... and people are crazy!"
It's my ringtone now.

Happy Saturday!!

PS ~ I had some really great stories but it's kinda pointless to go on about that right now. ;o)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Good Day!

Well sorta. First of all I want to let everyone know I showered and shaved my legs. And I blow dried my hair and put make-up on. Yes, I did and yes, I had somewhere to go and no, it wasn't to the market.

I cleaned the kitchen, because I was right, the dishes fairy did not come last night. Then I sorted laundry and had a really good time with that, you can see my earlier post to see how much fun. Then I did laundry and while I was sitting around eating bon bons watching my rear end get bigger I blogged and took a look around facebook. 'Cause I'm a busy gal. Then I cleaned out the refridgerator and that, well, that took some time and effort. But I got it done. I'm only telling you the interesting stuff as I'm sure you don't want to hear about what I picked up and where I put it and how many times I went up and down the stairs because really, that's all I do all day. ALL DAY LONG.

After getting all gussied up, well, looking human, I picked up Georgi from school then promptly left to pick up Charli and her friends. I came back home, sent an e-mail for Greg, printed out a new sudoku puzzle ('cause I'm addicted I tell ya) and did some more laundry. Oh that laundry, it's fun.

Had to drive out to Ontario to drop Charli off at practice because Greg has Tuesday night meetings and it's convenient for me to do that when his meeting is all of 15 minutes away. I don't know why people don't consult with me first before they decide to make Tuesday a practice night or anything else. Geez, I've sent enough memo's. Then I had to rush back for Georgi's "Back to School Night". Never mind that I've been to this particular one 4 times now, had to go. Made it barely in time (Sorry, had to go clean up pee... again. This time she was standing on the toilet putting lipstick on, because you know, that's waaaaaaaaay more important than peeing in a toilet.) for the second little dog and pony show and thought I'd just pull into the school instead of going home. Nope, closest parking was my own dang driveway.

Now I'm home, doing more laundry and waiting for "Big Brother" to start. And I'm blogging because no one is actually on the computer. That's why you get to know about my really exciting day. Aren't you thrilled?

Oh, Gianna said she had to put on lipstick because she has a dance performance later. Well then, I guess that's okay that you peed on top of the toilet! Ugh! And now since she's in here with me she's informed me that when she grows up she's going to have a big bum. Isn't that lovely?These are the things she thinks up. I keep tying the same blanket around her waist because it is not big enough and I tell her this but she comes back every few minutes when it falls off and I tie it again.

Yup, it was a good day. Now she's crying. I'm going to go shove a couple of handfuls of chocolate chips in my mouth, that'll fix anything.

Laundry Day

Wooohoo it's laundry day. Technically, yesterday was but since I didn't feel like it, it's now today. Not that anyone cares but really, how hard is it to turn your socks right side out? And why is it that Charli with all her softball stuff brings home more red clay than what she leaves on the field? It's in her socks, the ones she doesn't turn right side out and when I do... oops, there it is on the floor. Her sports bra, really? How do you get that stuff on a sports bra? Aren't you wearing a shirt? I know you are because that's covered in it as well. And how is it that Georgi, who does not play softball, has a white shirt that is covered in red clay? That one just boggled my mind today. She hasn't even been to a field in two weeks! I think I have carpel tunnel from spraying so much spray-n-wash!

Who's idea was it to get all these people white clothes?? My shirts have chili on the sleeve because Gianna used it for a napkin last weekend. All of my white t-shirts are hand me downs from my husband or shirts he gets from his customers. Yeah, I wear white but I don't buy them. I have juice spills and dirt, pen marks and jelly, paint and dog hair because it's very difficult to walk through life with a 3 year old wrapped around your ankle. That's my excuse, what's up with my family? Greg fixed the sprinklers in a brand new white shirt. Really? That sounded like a good idea??? Then he gets the pvc glue on it and I'm asking him why? Just why? He says, "What? You can't get it out?" And in my sweet, sweet wifey voice I say, "Are you freaking kidding me? You got BLUE pvc glue on your shirt, your new shirt, do you think I'm Heloise?" And he says, "Who's Heloise?"

Sometimes I am just so grateful that my kids have enough clothes for me to wash and that I'm lucky enough to stay home and do that kind of stuff. Other times, like right this fricking minute, I am not too thrilled with the idea.

And don't get me started on sorting their laundry. I don't even care if they do it wrong, just DO it! It's your chore on Sunday night. So here I am today, Tuesday for those of you who are following along, picking through their room for dirty clothes. Wow, look at the clean clothes that were left on their floor from last week. My guess is they don't need clean clothes if they can leave them on the floor.

I have a neighbor who would put her husband's dirty laundry back in his closet or in his drawers if he didn't put it in the hamper. I'm wondering how well that would go over in my house. Naaah, I'd rather complain about it.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Middle Place

So I'm reading this book called, "The Middle Place" by Kelly Corrigan. I'm crying and laughing and glad I'm not her but wondering what if... She's telling one story about e-mails and phone calls and trying to get information all the while her 3 year old and 18month old are fighting, then needing something from her, etc. (You'll have to read the book for more) And there I am...

Tonight I get a phone call from Taylor. "What does the t in the recipe for zuchinni bread mean?" I ask if it's a big T or a little t. "A little one." "That would be a teaspoon," I tell her. Then apparently I'm in trouble because I did not explain this to her and I laugh because she just put a tablespoon of baking soda in where it called for a teaspoon and 2 tablespoons of vanilla. She's not amused and tells me she resents the fact that I said "everyone" knows the little t is teaspoon. "This is the first time I've ever baked, mom. I don't bake, I cook." Soooo-ryyyy! I can't believe a child of mine hasn't ever baked because you see, I bake, I don't cook. Well, I do but I don't like it. But because I'm mom, I've fallen down on the job and now it's my fault that my daughter has put too much baking soda and vanilla in her zuchinni bread. I'm 60 miles away, but it's my fault.

And then Charli is needing help with geometry and we all know it's not going to be me that helps her and yet she's standing there looking at me, talking to me, telling me this while I'm on the phone with Taylor again because she can't get her pictures to transfer to a cd. Meanwhile Gianna is under my legs, "Mommy? Mommy? Mom? Mama?" over and over and over again until in mid sentence with Taylor I snap "What?!" and she asks if she can have a banana. But Taylor thinks I'm talking to her and Charli thinks I'm talking to her. Really? I hand Georgi some papers I made copies of for her school friend who lost her report page that has to be turned in tomorrow and whose mom is on her way to get it, tell Charli to use the house phone to call Ashley for help with math and tell Taylor that I don't know why her pictures are not transferring.

All I want to do is read my book...

Then Gianna is yelling at Georgi because she won't call her "Princess Nanni", Charli is mad at her dad because she doesn't understand what he's saying and he's getting mad at her because she's not listening and he's just trying to help so I'm trying to smoothe that over. The dog is following me around and irritating me until I remember I haven't fed her. Gianna pooped in her pants ~ again. Georgi says she "feels weird" which is code for "you don't pay enough attention to me" and my kitchen is a mess from dinner and I don't think the dishes fairy is coming tonight.

And yet... I'm very grateful. I know that sounds stupid and I know I get irritated and crabby and wonder whose idea it was to have so many kids, but I am... very grateful for my middle place.

Okay, I was... now Charli wants the computer and Gianna wants cereal in a bag. Ugh! ;o) At least she's singing to me, you can't get mad at a 3 year old when she's singing to you.

Oh and I'll be digging up some interesting things on my oldest two, Lacey and Taylor. Besides all the lovely, wonderful, easy stuff I do all day I now have to make sure that they are included in the blog because apparently it appears I only have 3 children since "they're all I talk about." Be careful what you wish for!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

School Has Begun...duhn tuhn duhn

So I actually logged on here... and couldn't remember my password it's been so long! LOL Then I saw that my mother has posted twice on her blog since I've been around. Really??? Way to go Mom!!! Nene's pretty good about hers and I appreciate it. ;o)

First of all, there was way too much stuff from the summer and I couldn't possibly remember it
all so I won't be catching up, but more like starting over. Let's just say "softball" and leave it at that. If I remember something funny I'll post that... Don't hold your breath...

SCHOOL HAS STARTED!!!! I received three automated phone calls from the various schools and the district reminding me. Like I could forget. There's all those witty back to school ads and the 100 degree temperatures so of course it's time to go back to school since running the air in August is wayyyyyy better than June when it is overcast and a nice 70 degrees. Gosh, them government people are sooo much smarterer than us dumb regular folk. Especially when they have those darn budget deficits and want me to provide their classroom paper, kleenex and every other supply my kid needs to learn. But hey, I provided the money they overspent too.

Yup, back to school... Charli turned 15 years old the day before, had that one weekend off from softball and I'm just going to say it... I'M NOT READY!!! The pool's nice, the kids are still somewhat behaving, I've got more books to read, I don't feel like cleaning house and now that their all gone, here I am noticing every little thing I didn't do over the summer. Stupid school.

I think they're happy to be back though. (The older girls haven't started yet.) Charli likes all her classes and Georgi is thrilled she got the teacher she wanted. It only took me until the 4th kid to figure out how to get my way at that school. But then it's only the 2nd day and I'm betting by Monday they're going to be whining. ANOTHER REASON SCHOOL SHOULDN'T BE IN SESSION YET. But that's just me. Georgi has her first project and while I'm glad they didn't cram them all in in the last 6 weeks of school like last year.... COULD YOU PLEASE SLOW DOWN?? I'M NOT READY YET!!!

Okay, that's it for now. Thanks for listening. Gotta figure out dinner, sign 8 million papers for the girls to turn in tomorrow, pick up Georgi from school and get ready for a softball booster meeting. You know, cause I have nothing else to do and SCHOOL HAS STARTED!!! UGH!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Guess Who Fell Down the Stairs?

So Greg was sick and I guess at some point he needed to get up in the middle of the night to get water. Now, I'm used to finding him on the couch in the morning because he wakes up all the time when he's sick, so it didn't surprise me when a few weeks ago I find him there. I make coffee, get Charli off to school and go to get Georgi up and he's sitting up and says, "Hey." I'm thinking it's the term of endearment that we're known for around here so I say, "Hey", right back at him and start up the stairs. "Hey," he says louder and the loving wife I am who has things to do says, "What?" "I think I broke my ankle." What?
Apparently on the way down the stairs at 3am, (the stairs that are always cluttered with "stuff" that I put there so people will take it up on their way and never do and I just happened to have cleaned off the night before) Greg fell. "How?" You know, cause that's me. Not, "Are you okay?" No, I want to know how this happened. I do it to the kids too, I'm a sympathetic soul I tell ya. Well, wouldn't you know I must have missed a little stuffed animal and he "thinks" he hit it with his heel, at which point both his feet went toes down into the next stair and he landed on his face. Face didn't hurt, just the ankle. And it was the 2nd to the last stair, not all the way at the top. Thank God for small things, huh?
Luckily after the trip to urgent care and x-rays he didn't break it. But he did tear ligaments, which is not better. He was healing nicely until this last weekend when he went golfing. Second to the last hole and oops, turns on it wrong.
I got a call from a neighbor who's been leaving her vacuum at the top of the stairs waiting for one of her kids to bring it down now for about a week and after hearing about Greg, decided she'd go ahead and bring it downstairs. I've been doing better about keeping the stairs cleaned up too. I'm not sure we're doing the right thing because the kids should be cleaning up their stuff but who wants a broken husband, so there we are. However I am not allowed to live down the fact that my poor husband was lying on the tile cussing up a storm at 3am and I slept through it. Oops. Love ya honey!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sick Day

Well it was bound to happen... no one has been sick for a long time now, so here we are. Greg was the first to get it, which is rare. He's always the 2nd or 3rd but to have him get sick when no one in the house or the neighborhood is sick and I do mean no one, that's just odd. So he has this cold and he's doing pretty good, you know, for a guy. 4 days now and wouldn't you know Georgi tells me she doesn't feel good.
Being the good mom that I am I don't believe her. What hurts? She describes what she's feeling and I go off to find Greg to see if it matches. It does. But I still woke her up for school this morning. She didn't go.
See, here's the thing about "sick" kids staying home from school. You better have your butt on the couch behaving yourself so well that I'm glad you're home sick. When you're antagonizing your little sister, fighting over the remote for the TV and making a fort out of the blankets, That Is Not Sick !
And just take a guess on what we have today? You just go ahead and guess, I've gotta go take the remote away from a couple of kids.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Is It Over Yet??

This week was, well, it was a week.
It started off with Gianna finally wanting to pee in the potty. Yay! I cannot tell you after 21 years of raising kids how exciting this was for me. I've been trying to get her potty trained for a year and finally gave up several months ago. I mean, she was staying dry through the night and asking me to change her diaper/pull-up when she was wet but she refused to wear underwear. So Tuesday or Wednesday she says, "I want my underwears." Okay dokey. Then she tells me a few hours later, "I'm gonna pee in my potty." Yeah, okay, whatever; heard that before.
Next thing you know she's yelling from the bathroom, "Mom! I peed! It worked!" And I'm laughing and telling her what a great job she did, what a big girl she is. We have to call Taylor and leave a message, then she wants to call grandma and leave her a message.
Later Grandma calls back and asked what the message said, she thought she said, "I baked a pie." I don't know. Taylor thought she was wishing her a happy Valentines day. I laughed.
No accidents that day, it was beautiful. Then the next day I say, "Let's go potty." "You have to go too mom?" she asks. "Yes," I tell her, "I'm a big girl." And you know she watches too much t.v. because her response was, "Come on mom, let's do this! Woohoo!" With her little fist pumping the air. I've never been so please with bodily functions as I was this week. This is my life, this is what I get excited over. It's great.
So after a bath one night she says to me, "I want a thing like this." This would be her hopping around with her hands up like a kangaroo. "For my bird-day," she tells me. "You want a kangaroo for your birthday?" I ask wondering how hard it is going to be distracting her away from this topic. "Yes, a kangaroo!" she says hopping around. So I sigh real big and say,"I don't think mommy can get you a kangaroo for your birthday." She stops and looks at me like I'm crazy. "Not you! Grandma." Like, duh~
The rest of the kids were not nearly as entertaining this week. Charli has a D in AVID, which is a totally dumb class and I'm sorry I put her in there. But it's no excuse for not turning in your homework. So then she tells me she's getting a D in Biology too. WHAT? Science and math are her subjects, the ones she excels in. WHAT? Oh, because you haven't been turning in your assignments ~ really. So who does the work and doesn't turn it in? Who does that?
Yesterday I took her cornell notes and math to school after I saw them sitting on her desk and met her at lunch to give to her. I also gave her all her missing biology assignments. Some I found, some I actually did for her... Yeah, I did it. I told her to NOT forget to turn them in. "K Mom, gotta go."
When I pick her up from school, after softball practice, I ask. You gotta ask. "Did you turn in your bio?" "I didn't have time." YOU DIDN'T HAVE TIME??? Today was the last day for D/F reports, you know you're getting a D, I did the freaking homework and hand delivered it to you at school and YOU DID'NT HAVE TIME TO TURN IT IN??? She says, "Why are you yelling at me?" WHY AM I YELLING AT YOU? WHY AM I YELLING AT YOU? SERIOUSLY?
So we get home and I march my behind into the house, drop off the baby, my purse, grab a beer and head down to the neighbors house. We sit on the porch and I yell some more. At one point Georgi shows up. "Um, mom?" What? "Um, I can hear you all the way down at our house." My neighbor laughs. I say, "Is your homework done?!" My neighbor says, "Honey, you should really go home and make sure all your stuff is done." Georgi says, "But I thought she was mad at Charli." "She is, but you might not want to be in her way right now." That was good advice.
So it's Friday and I'm looking forward to the weekend. I was waiting to pick Charli up from practice but her dad said he'd do it so I left for Costco. Took Georgi, her friend and Gianna. That was fun. The two 10 year olds ran all over the place and I had to stop constantly to be sure I hadn't lost them. I'm not sure it would have been a bad thing if I had but I'm pretty sure her friend's mom would have eventually wanted her back.
Greg and I explained to Charli that she had lost her computer, phone and television privileges. She took it pretty well until I asked for her passwords so I could change them. I mean, I have them but I didn't feel like looking for them. She looked at me like I was an alien and don't get me wrong, I get that from people from time to time but we had just explained that she lost her privilege of using the computer.... hello? Yes, I'm changing the passwords. We've raised two other daughters who were 14 at one time and you think I'm really going to let you just go on your honor? Like you did with your homework? Mmmhmm. I'm not the brightest bulb in the box but I catch on eventually. More to come on this story later I'm sure....

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Random Things...

I forgot that it is Valentines Day! Yay!
First of all, we call it St Hallmarks Day around here. This has got to be the dumbest holiday ever and if my husband can't tell me/show me he loves me except when he's "told" to by some commercial enterprise, we have issues. Also, I love chocolate and I buy it often, you want to buy me something ~ buy me a can of paint, I need to paint the livingroom. ;) We do get gifts for the kids and they enjoy it but tonight we will be spending it with neighbors, barbequing ribs and playing cards. What a life, huh?
I also got this thing from Taylor through facebook where you list 25 random things about yourself. Anyone who knows me knows I love random things so here we go!

1. After God and my Savior, my family means everything to me and though they often irritate me, there's not anything I wouldn't do for them.
2. My favorite drink is water and I probably drink close to 36oz a day.
3. Right now I'm reading Be Intolerant Because Some Things Are Just Stupid by Ryan Dobson for the second time.
4. I would've had a 6th kid if Greg would've let me and they were born closer together. I'm kinda glad they weren't. ;)
5. My favorite color is red.
6. As much as I crab about it having kids spaced out the way they are can be really fun... or really tiring, depending on the day.
7. I hate when people talk to me when I'm reading the Bible.
8. I love having nephews!!
9. I'm addicted to the Fox News Channel and love Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Neil Cavuto and Bill O'Reilly.
10. I often have conversations with myself and they're quite lively.
11. I'm addicted to Sudoku.
12. I hate being lost while driving - it completely freaks me out.
13. I love family dinners but hate to cook. Now baking, that's a different story.
14. I want to move to a family compound and grow my own food (a garden and some chickens, come on) but Greg asks me if I'm ready to be labeled a nutjob. I told him I already have been and have been okay with it for some time now.
15. I'm seriously considering buying guns ~ yes, that's plural. See #14.
16. I love that as my kids get older and have moved out they call be just because they're thinking of me and want to chat.
17. Sometimes I sit out on the back patio in the morning listening to the birds and staring at the hills and marvel, remembering This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.
18. I hate the amount of homework and busywork my kids get and often wonder what was wrong with the way we learned math back in the day...
19. I actually look forward to doing taxes.
20. I love to blog but am not real fond of facebook.
21. I think the so called Stimulus bill is actually Appropriations and a vast amount of Americans are stupid and blind.
22. I think we're well on our way to why the US is not mentioned anywhere in Revelations.
23. I don't like the fact that the music I grew up listening to is now played on the "oldies" station.
24. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
25. I think these 25 random things make me look like a rightwing nutball and again, I'm okay with that.

Wonderful Week

It was a lovely week here in Grantland. The other day Gianna hollers at me from downstairs that she wants to play Wii. She wanted to wii bowl so I set it up for her and as usual a little 10 minute game turns into 20 or so because of "I do it!"
She throws the ball to the crowd - "Push the A button," I tell her. "Then push the B button and swing your arm." I have to remind her to let the B button go. I have to remind her not to stand so close to the TV. I help her a few times and then it's, "I do it! You sit on the couch."
She's only 2 - almost 3 and actually did pretty good. Got a strike all by her little self. Pretty bad though when I win a 2 year old 158-104. Ultimately she got bored and moved on to chasing the dog.
Then yesterday she tells her dad she wants to wii golf with him. He sets it up and I watch from the kitchen for a while before telling them I'm leaving to take Georgi to a friends house, dropping Charli's friend off and running a few errands. Gianna yells, "I stay with dad! I golfing!" Okay dokey.
When I got home he tells me she's napping. They golfed and she got a bogie all by herself. They played baseball and bowled. Charli asked, "Did she win?" Greg say, "No." With that look that says - that was a dumb question. But I have a feeling someday it won't be.

Gianna, Georgi and I were watching Horton Hears a Who this past week while it was raining and Georgi's talking to me about her friend who has the chicken pox. "I think Josh gave them to her," she says. Gianna pipes up with, "Josh by budder (brother)?" Georgi and I look at her like she's a little crazy. "Honey," I say sweetly, "you don't have a brother." "Yes," she shoots back, "a budder Josh and a boyfriend Josh." I'm wondering if we're playing pretend at this moment and I didn't get the memo. "You have an Uncle Josh." I tell her. You know, maybe she's confused. "No! My budder Josh and my boyfriend Josh!" she adamantly reiterates. "Fine," I say in my resigned mommy voice, "You have a brother Josh and a boyfriend Josh, now watch the movie." All was well after that. Sheesh!

We also had a fun trip to the market this week. She likes going to the market that has "car" carts for her to drive. It doesn't matter if I'm only going for a gallon of milk, she has to drive the car. There's 4 red ones and 1 blue one. She always picks the blue one. It's a police car but I don't think she knows that. We drove through the store with her happily making car sound affects the whole way. A little on the loud side too. Everytime I stopped I hear, "Mommy, why you stop?" I forget that I'm to race around the store at breakneck speed to entertain a 2 year old. At one point I'm on a long stretch from the frozen food aisle to the milk and I hear a strange noise and look down. There's my little darling hanging out her "car" window holding her hotwheel on the ground - it was speeding. I put the hotwheel in my purse.

Everyone was very friendly that day - annoyingly so. I can't tell you how many times I was asked if I was finding everything okay or if I needed help. This was actually a day that I did my hair, put make-up on and was wearing real clothes. I didn't look like a homeless person or a haggard mom - why did they keep asking me if I needed help?
After putting the groceries in the car, returning the cart and while buckling Gianna into her carseat I noticed a button on my shirt was undone. In the most inappropriate place. Hmmm, nice cleavage. I should've worn my pajamas like I wanted to.
I have no idea how long I paraded around like that as I'm not in the habit of checking out my boobs every 10 seconds but you can bet the next time the nice folks at the market ask me if I need any help I'll be checking out the twins as well as my zipper before letting them know I'm doing fine, thank you.
Later, I tell a friend of mine about my lovely story and she tells me she was at her sons class party, standing around with other moms when someone mentions she has icing on her ID badge. Yeah, they forgot to mention the pink icing all down her sleeve or right smack on the center of her boob. Geez!

Most of my stories are about the little one because quite frankly she's with me all day long and she really does/say some funny stuff. The stuff the others say and/or do are not nearly as entertaining. Take for instance Charli: I need her to complete her major works data sheets for English class. She was supposed to do them last weekend. Do you think they're done? No. So I tell her this 4 day weekend she will be finishing those as well as cleaning the bathroom she never has time for except dropping her clothes in and leaving her hair stuff all over the place in. She'll also be cleaning her room and putting away all her clean clothes, the clean clothes that I, not the laundry fairy cleaned and folded and left on her bed. The clothes that are now scattered around her floor. Yes, those clothes. So here it is Saturday, the 2nd day of the 4 day weekend and do you know what she asked me today after she got up at noon? "Can I go to the movies today?" Really? Really are you going to ask me that? "Well, I'll do my mwds and clean my room first." Then I suggest you do that before you even ask me if you can breathe. Then she looks at me like I'm mean or something. Really? Really?

So there you go... a few good stories for the week. And 8 weeks from today I'll turn 40. Isn't anyone else besides me concerned about this?!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I can't believe I just did that! Aaaagh! I just wrote a post and hit something and it's gone! Sheesh, how am I expected to be witty two times in a row?

Let's see, what did I say? Oh yeah, Georgi turned the big 1-0 today and woke up to little pink post it notes all over the house wishing her a happy birthday. The morning went along pretty well until I told her she would have to wear her "fat" jacket to school today and she informed me that I had "ruined" her birthday. Hmmm. Well, you know, it was only 38 degrees outside and it must've been just me that thought that was a tad chilly.

She came home in a good mood and we had pancakes and fried eggs for dinner followed by carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. All made by scratch by the way. Yes, even the pancakes. I've been such a Suzy Homemaker lately... Greg's been asking me what's wrong. Come on people, just enjoy it!

Gianna and I went shopping for Georgi's birthday and the little darling decided she didn't want her hair brushed. I decided I didn't want to fight with her and told her to put a hat on. She did. Then she said, "Mom! Take a picker!" So I did. Please remember she has 4 older sisters.
So we went shopping and when Georgi got home she told her what we bought. 2 year olds are fun.
You know, I remember Lacey's 10th birthday, here in this house and it doesn't seem so long ago. Here I am with number 4 turning 10 ~ when did all this stuff happen? I pick up the high school kids in the afternoon and think, "They are so small - and so young!" Well, not mine, I have amazon children. But most of the kids are just... kids! It hasn't been that long since Taylor graduated and I don't remember thinking that back then. I don't know, must be me.
Well, I guess that's it, I'm just rambling now, not really much to say. Well, there is but who wants to hear about laundry and all the fun stuff I find?
Gosh I was so much more charming and witty in the post I lost (the one that got away lol). I'm going to bed ~ Goodnight!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

January Re-Cap

Well, as usual, I had the best of intentions to write just about everyday. I didn't. So here's a recap for the month of January...
I had Lacey come out to go through the boxes that I had been storing for her for four years. I found out she was a bigger dork than I thought. Out of 10 boxes I now have only 2 and apparently all the "important" stuff I had to hold on to for 4 years was no longer needed. But we laughed. I can't believe some of the stuff she was storing. Who needs 6 cheesey plastic leis? And shoe boxes (7) full of every letter she ever got during jr high and highschool, filed alphabetically to boot. Some stuff I had to keep and add to my "kid's box" where there's different school projects, cards, letters and schoolwork.
She had 100's of corks and a report on a book that Charli struggled through right before the Christmas break. She had a folder full of code words that she and a friend had made up and spells and anti-spells that included an old brick type cookie in a plastic bag. Seriously, I think it was 9 years old.
I got an e-mail not long after that from Georgi's teacher. He was curious to know if her 21 year old sister really wrote a note to him excusing Georgi from PE because of a bug bite on the bottome of her foot. Hmmm, I don't think so.
Georgi and I also worked on a Mission project and Science project for school. I put on my best 4th grade hat and used my best 4th grade words and I hope I get an A. Oops, did I say that out loud? Hey, I've only done this 4 different times, I really better get an A.
My sister found out she is having another boy. That's two nephews on each side and my weird sense of symmetry is complete. Yay me!
Taylor is still working as a babysitter and a dental assistant and has a pretty full course load this year. Lacey moved and is going to school just one day a week. She's decided she'll never do that again. Charli is still waiting to hear what team she will be on (Frosh/JV/Varsity) for the high school softball team. And she likes a boy. A junior boy... a junior boy who is a football player. Hmmm. Georgi has decided not to play softball this season and we're looking for something for her to do to stay active and not cost me an arm and a leg. Gianna is a happy kid who just continues to amaze me. She had to help me make the bed today, bake muffins and feed the dog one kibble at a time. That dog's pretty patient with her.
Sometimes though, I think she likes to make things up... like when I was working on a backed up garbage disposal and she informs me her daddy needs shaving cream. I stop what I'm doing and go upstairs and lookey there it's sitting on the counter and Greg doesn't know what I'm talking about. Then there was the time that Charli asked Gianna what she was going to be when she grew up and she said, "Big". She asked her if she wanted to be a mommy and have babies. "Yes". How many? "Two boo (blue) ones." Do you mean boys? "Yes." You don't want any girl babies? "No". What job do you want to have? A doctor, fireman, wrestler.. "A wrestler!"
I know more stuff happened, but if I don't write it down right away I forget. I have 5 children, it's kind of like Groundhog's Day around here.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Day/Bush Last Day

Today there are a couple of things I'd like to note. One, it's Martin Luther King's birthday and while everyone knows his "I Had A Dream" speech, our paper printed some lesser known quotes. "And when you disover what you will be in life, set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do it. Don't just set out to do a good job. Set out to do such a good job that the living, the dead and the unborn couldn't do it any better. If it falls to you to be a streetsweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts in heaven and earth will pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper, who swept his job well."
This particular quote resonated with me for so many reasons. It makes me think of Col 3:23 that says ~ And whatever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord and not men~
Washing dishes is one of my least favorite chores. But when I started washing them like I was washing them for God, something changed. No, I don't suddenly like doing dishes, but I do like the quiet time I get to talk to Him and listen. I can be reading my Bible and that doesn't seem to stop anyone from talking to me, even if I ignore them. But no one seems to want anything from me while I'm washing dishes. I don't know if they think I'm going to ask them to help or take over, but I've come to appreciate that time with God. I don't resent the mess anymore.
I don't lead a very glamorous life and I'm never going to have a glamorous job or be Mother Theresa. But I can do all the things I must do to make my home and family function to the best of my ability and rely on God to pick up the slack. I don't know if I do enough or do it well but I do it with a different heart and frame of mind.
Staying with the MLK thing, tomorrow will be the inauguration of our 1st black president. It is definetly historic and I am proud of our nation in that so many people voted for Barak Obama based on the content of his character and not the color of his skin. That being said I don't think I agree with a single policy he supports/has/wants or the direction he wants to take the U.S. That is also based on the content of his character and not the color of his skin. I will still pray for him, his family and our great nation.
An finally, President Bush ~ I have not agreed with everything he's done or said but I thank him for keeping us safe. I thank him for doing what he thought was best and making tough and unpopular decisions. I'm glad he didn't care about being popular. I think he made mistakes but that history will show he was a good president. I think so now and want to thank him for his service. I voted for him twice and was proud to have him as my president. I no longer listen to the Dixie Chicks either.
One last note... I want to thank him for commuting the sentences of the two border agents who were convicted about two years ago after shooting an illegal alien drug dealer in the rear end. My prayers are with the Ramos and Compean families.
That's it~ more strange happenings around the Grant household tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm Always Learning Something

Today I learned a lot. First of all, don't exercise when your 2 1/2 year old is around. "Mommy, why you bowing (blowing)?" I ignored that. "Mommy, what you doing?" "Exercising." I tell her between breaths that apparently sound like blowing. "Exshersizing?" "Yep."
And then I hear her holler through the house announcing to everyone that I'm "exshersizing". It was like The Goonies "Hey You Guuuuuys!" Next thing you know I have an audience. You'd think they'd never seen me do this before. Well, maybe the younger two haven't, it's been a while. Did I mention I'm going to be 40 in 86 days?
Second, I learned that my 14 year old daughter still wants me to put her to bed and sit with her while she says her prayers. That was a good mommy moment.
I didn't really learn the next thing today, but it was a nice reminder. My kids still need me. Okay, it's a nice reminder today and a pain in my behind tomorrow, but I'm in a good mood right now with all those endorphins rocking around my body. Lacey and I talked about roommate selection for the house she's moving into and all the stuff she'll be responsible for in running it. We also talked about her future career and graduating from college. Taylor brought her boyfriend, Evan, over after a day of snowboarding at Big Bear and we all got to hang out. They picked up the high school kids for me and I made them dinner before sending them off. Taylor and I discussed her work with Intervarsity (a Christian fellowship program at the college) and whether or not she wanted to continue. She loves leading Bible Studies and wants to teach at the high school level so this has been a good experience for her.
It was a real treat to learn that if you shower, shave your legs, paint your toes, do your hair, pluck your eyebrows and put make-up on your kids want to know where you're going. They were very confused when I told them nowhere. Hmmm.
I also learned there's a reason moms wear pants with pockets in them. Today I emptied out of them 2 bobby pins, a piece of dried up playdough, a tooth from a fat comb, a penny, a barret, ponytail and fruitroll wrapper. It was a slow day.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just For Fun

The highlight of my day was when Gianna took me out of the kitchen to go to the Dr's office (couch). I asked her why we were here and she said, as she pointed, that her daughter needed water on her toes. I wasn't quite sure what to say to that except, "I thought you were the Dr." To which she replied, all important, "I am!" "Oh." Then she proceeded to take out her princess cell phone and tell me I needed to call my friend Kim. "No," I told her, "I really don't." So she called her.
As I'm thinking of the pasta mess and dirty dishes that need washing I asked her, "Why am I here?" I didn't tell her, but I was a little confused. I mean, was I to put the water on the toes or was that the Dr's job? But then she told me that, "Her parents are asleep and sick." And now I'm more confused. I thought the patient was Dr. Gianna's daughter. I didn't tell her this though as I'm sure she would have a perfectly good explanation like, "Well, the moon was pink and my sister said to play hide and seek." Yeah, I've learned not to argue too much with a two year old.
So I watched her dance and sing and put water on her daughter/patient's toes and all was right in her world. It happened to be the best trip I've ever had to the Dr's office, I'll tell you that. Dishes still aren't done.
Charli asked me later how old Gianna would be when Georgi goes off to college. 11. She figured out Lacey will be 29, Taylor 27, Charli 23, Georgi 18 and Gianna will be 11. I don't want to think about that anymore.
Other highlights include: American Idol started up again tonight and that's always fun for the family. Ann Coulter is still my hero and I'm liking her more and more every day. Gianna's making her dad change her baby's diaper and that happens to make me laugh very hard. It's also 87 days until my 40th birthday. I think I might be having a little eensy weensy problem with that.

Woohoo Here I Am!

Okay, I'm going to try this... could be dangerous.