Saturday, February 7, 2009

January Re-Cap

Well, as usual, I had the best of intentions to write just about everyday. I didn't. So here's a recap for the month of January...
I had Lacey come out to go through the boxes that I had been storing for her for four years. I found out she was a bigger dork than I thought. Out of 10 boxes I now have only 2 and apparently all the "important" stuff I had to hold on to for 4 years was no longer needed. But we laughed. I can't believe some of the stuff she was storing. Who needs 6 cheesey plastic leis? And shoe boxes (7) full of every letter she ever got during jr high and highschool, filed alphabetically to boot. Some stuff I had to keep and add to my "kid's box" where there's different school projects, cards, letters and schoolwork.
She had 100's of corks and a report on a book that Charli struggled through right before the Christmas break. She had a folder full of code words that she and a friend had made up and spells and anti-spells that included an old brick type cookie in a plastic bag. Seriously, I think it was 9 years old.
I got an e-mail not long after that from Georgi's teacher. He was curious to know if her 21 year old sister really wrote a note to him excusing Georgi from PE because of a bug bite on the bottome of her foot. Hmmm, I don't think so.
Georgi and I also worked on a Mission project and Science project for school. I put on my best 4th grade hat and used my best 4th grade words and I hope I get an A. Oops, did I say that out loud? Hey, I've only done this 4 different times, I really better get an A.
My sister found out she is having another boy. That's two nephews on each side and my weird sense of symmetry is complete. Yay me!
Taylor is still working as a babysitter and a dental assistant and has a pretty full course load this year. Lacey moved and is going to school just one day a week. She's decided she'll never do that again. Charli is still waiting to hear what team she will be on (Frosh/JV/Varsity) for the high school softball team. And she likes a boy. A junior boy... a junior boy who is a football player. Hmmm. Georgi has decided not to play softball this season and we're looking for something for her to do to stay active and not cost me an arm and a leg. Gianna is a happy kid who just continues to amaze me. She had to help me make the bed today, bake muffins and feed the dog one kibble at a time. That dog's pretty patient with her.
Sometimes though, I think she likes to make things up... like when I was working on a backed up garbage disposal and she informs me her daddy needs shaving cream. I stop what I'm doing and go upstairs and lookey there it's sitting on the counter and Greg doesn't know what I'm talking about. Then there was the time that Charli asked Gianna what she was going to be when she grew up and she said, "Big". She asked her if she wanted to be a mommy and have babies. "Yes". How many? "Two boo (blue) ones." Do you mean boys? "Yes." You don't want any girl babies? "No". What job do you want to have? A doctor, fireman, wrestler.. "A wrestler!"
I know more stuff happened, but if I don't write it down right away I forget. I have 5 children, it's kind of like Groundhog's Day around here.

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