Friday, February 20, 2009

Is It Over Yet??

This week was, well, it was a week.
It started off with Gianna finally wanting to pee in the potty. Yay! I cannot tell you after 21 years of raising kids how exciting this was for me. I've been trying to get her potty trained for a year and finally gave up several months ago. I mean, she was staying dry through the night and asking me to change her diaper/pull-up when she was wet but she refused to wear underwear. So Tuesday or Wednesday she says, "I want my underwears." Okay dokey. Then she tells me a few hours later, "I'm gonna pee in my potty." Yeah, okay, whatever; heard that before.
Next thing you know she's yelling from the bathroom, "Mom! I peed! It worked!" And I'm laughing and telling her what a great job she did, what a big girl she is. We have to call Taylor and leave a message, then she wants to call grandma and leave her a message.
Later Grandma calls back and asked what the message said, she thought she said, "I baked a pie." I don't know. Taylor thought she was wishing her a happy Valentines day. I laughed.
No accidents that day, it was beautiful. Then the next day I say, "Let's go potty." "You have to go too mom?" she asks. "Yes," I tell her, "I'm a big girl." And you know she watches too much t.v. because her response was, "Come on mom, let's do this! Woohoo!" With her little fist pumping the air. I've never been so please with bodily functions as I was this week. This is my life, this is what I get excited over. It's great.
So after a bath one night she says to me, "I want a thing like this." This would be her hopping around with her hands up like a kangaroo. "For my bird-day," she tells me. "You want a kangaroo for your birthday?" I ask wondering how hard it is going to be distracting her away from this topic. "Yes, a kangaroo!" she says hopping around. So I sigh real big and say,"I don't think mommy can get you a kangaroo for your birthday." She stops and looks at me like I'm crazy. "Not you! Grandma." Like, duh~
The rest of the kids were not nearly as entertaining this week. Charli has a D in AVID, which is a totally dumb class and I'm sorry I put her in there. But it's no excuse for not turning in your homework. So then she tells me she's getting a D in Biology too. WHAT? Science and math are her subjects, the ones she excels in. WHAT? Oh, because you haven't been turning in your assignments ~ really. So who does the work and doesn't turn it in? Who does that?
Yesterday I took her cornell notes and math to school after I saw them sitting on her desk and met her at lunch to give to her. I also gave her all her missing biology assignments. Some I found, some I actually did for her... Yeah, I did it. I told her to NOT forget to turn them in. "K Mom, gotta go."
When I pick her up from school, after softball practice, I ask. You gotta ask. "Did you turn in your bio?" "I didn't have time." YOU DIDN'T HAVE TIME??? Today was the last day for D/F reports, you know you're getting a D, I did the freaking homework and hand delivered it to you at school and YOU DID'NT HAVE TIME TO TURN IT IN??? She says, "Why are you yelling at me?" WHY AM I YELLING AT YOU? WHY AM I YELLING AT YOU? SERIOUSLY?
So we get home and I march my behind into the house, drop off the baby, my purse, grab a beer and head down to the neighbors house. We sit on the porch and I yell some more. At one point Georgi shows up. "Um, mom?" What? "Um, I can hear you all the way down at our house." My neighbor laughs. I say, "Is your homework done?!" My neighbor says, "Honey, you should really go home and make sure all your stuff is done." Georgi says, "But I thought she was mad at Charli." "She is, but you might not want to be in her way right now." That was good advice.
So it's Friday and I'm looking forward to the weekend. I was waiting to pick Charli up from practice but her dad said he'd do it so I left for Costco. Took Georgi, her friend and Gianna. That was fun. The two 10 year olds ran all over the place and I had to stop constantly to be sure I hadn't lost them. I'm not sure it would have been a bad thing if I had but I'm pretty sure her friend's mom would have eventually wanted her back.
Greg and I explained to Charli that she had lost her computer, phone and television privileges. She took it pretty well until I asked for her passwords so I could change them. I mean, I have them but I didn't feel like looking for them. She looked at me like I was an alien and don't get me wrong, I get that from people from time to time but we had just explained that she lost her privilege of using the computer.... hello? Yes, I'm changing the passwords. We've raised two other daughters who were 14 at one time and you think I'm really going to let you just go on your honor? Like you did with your homework? Mmmhmm. I'm not the brightest bulb in the box but I catch on eventually. More to come on this story later I'm sure....

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