Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I can't believe I just did that! Aaaagh! I just wrote a post and hit something and it's gone! Sheesh, how am I expected to be witty two times in a row?

Let's see, what did I say? Oh yeah, Georgi turned the big 1-0 today and woke up to little pink post it notes all over the house wishing her a happy birthday. The morning went along pretty well until I told her she would have to wear her "fat" jacket to school today and she informed me that I had "ruined" her birthday. Hmmm. Well, you know, it was only 38 degrees outside and it must've been just me that thought that was a tad chilly.

She came home in a good mood and we had pancakes and fried eggs for dinner followed by carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. All made by scratch by the way. Yes, even the pancakes. I've been such a Suzy Homemaker lately... Greg's been asking me what's wrong. Come on people, just enjoy it!

Gianna and I went shopping for Georgi's birthday and the little darling decided she didn't want her hair brushed. I decided I didn't want to fight with her and told her to put a hat on. She did. Then she said, "Mom! Take a picker!" So I did. Please remember she has 4 older sisters.
So we went shopping and when Georgi got home she told her what we bought. 2 year olds are fun.
You know, I remember Lacey's 10th birthday, here in this house and it doesn't seem so long ago. Here I am with number 4 turning 10 ~ when did all this stuff happen? I pick up the high school kids in the afternoon and think, "They are so small - and so young!" Well, not mine, I have amazon children. But most of the kids are just... kids! It hasn't been that long since Taylor graduated and I don't remember thinking that back then. I don't know, must be me.
Well, I guess that's it, I'm just rambling now, not really much to say. Well, there is but who wants to hear about laundry and all the fun stuff I find?
Gosh I was so much more charming and witty in the post I lost (the one that got away lol). I'm going to bed ~ Goodnight!

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