Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just For Fun

The highlight of my day was when Gianna took me out of the kitchen to go to the Dr's office (couch). I asked her why we were here and she said, as she pointed, that her daughter needed water on her toes. I wasn't quite sure what to say to that except, "I thought you were the Dr." To which she replied, all important, "I am!" "Oh." Then she proceeded to take out her princess cell phone and tell me I needed to call my friend Kim. "No," I told her, "I really don't." So she called her.
As I'm thinking of the pasta mess and dirty dishes that need washing I asked her, "Why am I here?" I didn't tell her, but I was a little confused. I mean, was I to put the water on the toes or was that the Dr's job? But then she told me that, "Her parents are asleep and sick." And now I'm more confused. I thought the patient was Dr. Gianna's daughter. I didn't tell her this though as I'm sure she would have a perfectly good explanation like, "Well, the moon was pink and my sister said to play hide and seek." Yeah, I've learned not to argue too much with a two year old.
So I watched her dance and sing and put water on her daughter/patient's toes and all was right in her world. It happened to be the best trip I've ever had to the Dr's office, I'll tell you that. Dishes still aren't done.
Charli asked me later how old Gianna would be when Georgi goes off to college. 11. She figured out Lacey will be 29, Taylor 27, Charli 23, Georgi 18 and Gianna will be 11. I don't want to think about that anymore.
Other highlights include: American Idol started up again tonight and that's always fun for the family. Ann Coulter is still my hero and I'm liking her more and more every day. Gianna's making her dad change her baby's diaper and that happens to make me laugh very hard. It's also 87 days until my 40th birthday. I think I might be having a little eensy weensy problem with that.

1 comment:

Denise/Nene said...

Yeah you're blogging! I knew I could convert you. I have a good time with it...I hope you enjoy it just as much. Did you honestly think that with 5 kids you'd get them all to cooperate? ha ha ha