Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Day/Bush Last Day

Today there are a couple of things I'd like to note. One, it's Martin Luther King's birthday and while everyone knows his "I Had A Dream" speech, our paper printed some lesser known quotes. "And when you disover what you will be in life, set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do it. Don't just set out to do a good job. Set out to do such a good job that the living, the dead and the unborn couldn't do it any better. If it falls to you to be a streetsweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts in heaven and earth will pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper, who swept his job well."
This particular quote resonated with me for so many reasons. It makes me think of Col 3:23 that says ~ And whatever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord and not men~
Washing dishes is one of my least favorite chores. But when I started washing them like I was washing them for God, something changed. No, I don't suddenly like doing dishes, but I do like the quiet time I get to talk to Him and listen. I can be reading my Bible and that doesn't seem to stop anyone from talking to me, even if I ignore them. But no one seems to want anything from me while I'm washing dishes. I don't know if they think I'm going to ask them to help or take over, but I've come to appreciate that time with God. I don't resent the mess anymore.
I don't lead a very glamorous life and I'm never going to have a glamorous job or be Mother Theresa. But I can do all the things I must do to make my home and family function to the best of my ability and rely on God to pick up the slack. I don't know if I do enough or do it well but I do it with a different heart and frame of mind.
Staying with the MLK thing, tomorrow will be the inauguration of our 1st black president. It is definetly historic and I am proud of our nation in that so many people voted for Barak Obama based on the content of his character and not the color of his skin. That being said I don't think I agree with a single policy he supports/has/wants or the direction he wants to take the U.S. That is also based on the content of his character and not the color of his skin. I will still pray for him, his family and our great nation.
An finally, President Bush ~ I have not agreed with everything he's done or said but I thank him for keeping us safe. I thank him for doing what he thought was best and making tough and unpopular decisions. I'm glad he didn't care about being popular. I think he made mistakes but that history will show he was a good president. I think so now and want to thank him for his service. I voted for him twice and was proud to have him as my president. I no longer listen to the Dixie Chicks either.
One last note... I want to thank him for commuting the sentences of the two border agents who were convicted about two years ago after shooting an illegal alien drug dealer in the rear end. My prayers are with the Ramos and Compean families.
That's it~ more strange happenings around the Grant household tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm Always Learning Something

Today I learned a lot. First of all, don't exercise when your 2 1/2 year old is around. "Mommy, why you bowing (blowing)?" I ignored that. "Mommy, what you doing?" "Exercising." I tell her between breaths that apparently sound like blowing. "Exshersizing?" "Yep."
And then I hear her holler through the house announcing to everyone that I'm "exshersizing". It was like The Goonies "Hey You Guuuuuys!" Next thing you know I have an audience. You'd think they'd never seen me do this before. Well, maybe the younger two haven't, it's been a while. Did I mention I'm going to be 40 in 86 days?
Second, I learned that my 14 year old daughter still wants me to put her to bed and sit with her while she says her prayers. That was a good mommy moment.
I didn't really learn the next thing today, but it was a nice reminder. My kids still need me. Okay, it's a nice reminder today and a pain in my behind tomorrow, but I'm in a good mood right now with all those endorphins rocking around my body. Lacey and I talked about roommate selection for the house she's moving into and all the stuff she'll be responsible for in running it. We also talked about her future career and graduating from college. Taylor brought her boyfriend, Evan, over after a day of snowboarding at Big Bear and we all got to hang out. They picked up the high school kids for me and I made them dinner before sending them off. Taylor and I discussed her work with Intervarsity (a Christian fellowship program at the college) and whether or not she wanted to continue. She loves leading Bible Studies and wants to teach at the high school level so this has been a good experience for her.
It was a real treat to learn that if you shower, shave your legs, paint your toes, do your hair, pluck your eyebrows and put make-up on your kids want to know where you're going. They were very confused when I told them nowhere. Hmmm.
I also learned there's a reason moms wear pants with pockets in them. Today I emptied out of them 2 bobby pins, a piece of dried up playdough, a tooth from a fat comb, a penny, a barret, ponytail and fruitroll wrapper. It was a slow day.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just For Fun

The highlight of my day was when Gianna took me out of the kitchen to go to the Dr's office (couch). I asked her why we were here and she said, as she pointed, that her daughter needed water on her toes. I wasn't quite sure what to say to that except, "I thought you were the Dr." To which she replied, all important, "I am!" "Oh." Then she proceeded to take out her princess cell phone and tell me I needed to call my friend Kim. "No," I told her, "I really don't." So she called her.
As I'm thinking of the pasta mess and dirty dishes that need washing I asked her, "Why am I here?" I didn't tell her, but I was a little confused. I mean, was I to put the water on the toes or was that the Dr's job? But then she told me that, "Her parents are asleep and sick." And now I'm more confused. I thought the patient was Dr. Gianna's daughter. I didn't tell her this though as I'm sure she would have a perfectly good explanation like, "Well, the moon was pink and my sister said to play hide and seek." Yeah, I've learned not to argue too much with a two year old.
So I watched her dance and sing and put water on her daughter/patient's toes and all was right in her world. It happened to be the best trip I've ever had to the Dr's office, I'll tell you that. Dishes still aren't done.
Charli asked me later how old Gianna would be when Georgi goes off to college. 11. She figured out Lacey will be 29, Taylor 27, Charli 23, Georgi 18 and Gianna will be 11. I don't want to think about that anymore.
Other highlights include: American Idol started up again tonight and that's always fun for the family. Ann Coulter is still my hero and I'm liking her more and more every day. Gianna's making her dad change her baby's diaper and that happens to make me laugh very hard. It's also 87 days until my 40th birthday. I think I might be having a little eensy weensy problem with that.

Woohoo Here I Am!

Okay, I'm going to try this... could be dangerous.