Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sick Day

Well it was bound to happen... no one has been sick for a long time now, so here we are. Greg was the first to get it, which is rare. He's always the 2nd or 3rd but to have him get sick when no one in the house or the neighborhood is sick and I do mean no one, that's just odd. So he has this cold and he's doing pretty good, you know, for a guy. 4 days now and wouldn't you know Georgi tells me she doesn't feel good.
Being the good mom that I am I don't believe her. What hurts? She describes what she's feeling and I go off to find Greg to see if it matches. It does. But I still woke her up for school this morning. She didn't go.
See, here's the thing about "sick" kids staying home from school. You better have your butt on the couch behaving yourself so well that I'm glad you're home sick. When you're antagonizing your little sister, fighting over the remote for the TV and making a fort out of the blankets, That Is Not Sick !
And just take a guess on what we have today? You just go ahead and guess, I've gotta go take the remote away from a couple of kids.


Denise/Nene said...

Gosh, I hope I'm a more compassionate mother when sick days roll my way. I doubt it. ha ha ha.

Mama G said...

You might be. Compassionate...HA! You are SO funny! Let's talk in about 10 years... ;)