Saturday, February 14, 2009

Random Things...

I forgot that it is Valentines Day! Yay!
First of all, we call it St Hallmarks Day around here. This has got to be the dumbest holiday ever and if my husband can't tell me/show me he loves me except when he's "told" to by some commercial enterprise, we have issues. Also, I love chocolate and I buy it often, you want to buy me something ~ buy me a can of paint, I need to paint the livingroom. ;) We do get gifts for the kids and they enjoy it but tonight we will be spending it with neighbors, barbequing ribs and playing cards. What a life, huh?
I also got this thing from Taylor through facebook where you list 25 random things about yourself. Anyone who knows me knows I love random things so here we go!

1. After God and my Savior, my family means everything to me and though they often irritate me, there's not anything I wouldn't do for them.
2. My favorite drink is water and I probably drink close to 36oz a day.
3. Right now I'm reading Be Intolerant Because Some Things Are Just Stupid by Ryan Dobson for the second time.
4. I would've had a 6th kid if Greg would've let me and they were born closer together. I'm kinda glad they weren't. ;)
5. My favorite color is red.
6. As much as I crab about it having kids spaced out the way they are can be really fun... or really tiring, depending on the day.
7. I hate when people talk to me when I'm reading the Bible.
8. I love having nephews!!
9. I'm addicted to the Fox News Channel and love Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Neil Cavuto and Bill O'Reilly.
10. I often have conversations with myself and they're quite lively.
11. I'm addicted to Sudoku.
12. I hate being lost while driving - it completely freaks me out.
13. I love family dinners but hate to cook. Now baking, that's a different story.
14. I want to move to a family compound and grow my own food (a garden and some chickens, come on) but Greg asks me if I'm ready to be labeled a nutjob. I told him I already have been and have been okay with it for some time now.
15. I'm seriously considering buying guns ~ yes, that's plural. See #14.
16. I love that as my kids get older and have moved out they call be just because they're thinking of me and want to chat.
17. Sometimes I sit out on the back patio in the morning listening to the birds and staring at the hills and marvel, remembering This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.
18. I hate the amount of homework and busywork my kids get and often wonder what was wrong with the way we learned math back in the day...
19. I actually look forward to doing taxes.
20. I love to blog but am not real fond of facebook.
21. I think the so called Stimulus bill is actually Appropriations and a vast amount of Americans are stupid and blind.
22. I think we're well on our way to why the US is not mentioned anywhere in Revelations.
23. I don't like the fact that the music I grew up listening to is now played on the "oldies" station.
24. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
25. I think these 25 random things make me look like a rightwing nutball and again, I'm okay with that.

1 comment:

Denise/Nene said...

I'm not a valentine's day person either & yes I think you're a nutball. Part of me can't wait til Oakley talks because I know he'll have funny things to say, but the other part of me knows that sass comes with it too. Gianna cracks me up. It's good to see you're handling the 40 thinkg know cause you're counting down the days.