Thursday, August 13, 2009

School Has Begun...duhn tuhn duhn

So I actually logged on here... and couldn't remember my password it's been so long! LOL Then I saw that my mother has posted twice on her blog since I've been around. Really??? Way to go Mom!!! Nene's pretty good about hers and I appreciate it. ;o)

First of all, there was way too much stuff from the summer and I couldn't possibly remember it
all so I won't be catching up, but more like starting over. Let's just say "softball" and leave it at that. If I remember something funny I'll post that... Don't hold your breath...

SCHOOL HAS STARTED!!!! I received three automated phone calls from the various schools and the district reminding me. Like I could forget. There's all those witty back to school ads and the 100 degree temperatures so of course it's time to go back to school since running the air in August is wayyyyyy better than June when it is overcast and a nice 70 degrees. Gosh, them government people are sooo much smarterer than us dumb regular folk. Especially when they have those darn budget deficits and want me to provide their classroom paper, kleenex and every other supply my kid needs to learn. But hey, I provided the money they overspent too.

Yup, back to school... Charli turned 15 years old the day before, had that one weekend off from softball and I'm just going to say it... I'M NOT READY!!! The pool's nice, the kids are still somewhat behaving, I've got more books to read, I don't feel like cleaning house and now that their all gone, here I am noticing every little thing I didn't do over the summer. Stupid school.

I think they're happy to be back though. (The older girls haven't started yet.) Charli likes all her classes and Georgi is thrilled she got the teacher she wanted. It only took me until the 4th kid to figure out how to get my way at that school. But then it's only the 2nd day and I'm betting by Monday they're going to be whining. ANOTHER REASON SCHOOL SHOULDN'T BE IN SESSION YET. But that's just me. Georgi has her first project and while I'm glad they didn't cram them all in in the last 6 weeks of school like last year.... COULD YOU PLEASE SLOW DOWN?? I'M NOT READY YET!!!

Okay, that's it for now. Thanks for listening. Gotta figure out dinner, sign 8 million papers for the girls to turn in tomorrow, pick up Georgi from school and get ready for a softball booster meeting. You know, cause I have nothing else to do and SCHOOL HAS STARTED!!! UGH!!!

1 comment:

Denise/Nene said...

Maybe next year you can ask the school district, very nicely, to hold off until September because it interferes with your family's summer plans. I'm sure they'll listen after all I don't think they want to upset you. LOL