Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Laundry Day

Wooohoo it's laundry day. Technically, yesterday was but since I didn't feel like it, it's now today. Not that anyone cares but really, how hard is it to turn your socks right side out? And why is it that Charli with all her softball stuff brings home more red clay than what she leaves on the field? It's in her socks, the ones she doesn't turn right side out and when I do... oops, there it is on the floor. Her sports bra, really? How do you get that stuff on a sports bra? Aren't you wearing a shirt? I know you are because that's covered in it as well. And how is it that Georgi, who does not play softball, has a white shirt that is covered in red clay? That one just boggled my mind today. She hasn't even been to a field in two weeks! I think I have carpel tunnel from spraying so much spray-n-wash!

Who's idea was it to get all these people white clothes?? My shirts have chili on the sleeve because Gianna used it for a napkin last weekend. All of my white t-shirts are hand me downs from my husband or shirts he gets from his customers. Yeah, I wear white but I don't buy them. I have juice spills and dirt, pen marks and jelly, paint and dog hair because it's very difficult to walk through life with a 3 year old wrapped around your ankle. That's my excuse, what's up with my family? Greg fixed the sprinklers in a brand new white shirt. Really? That sounded like a good idea??? Then he gets the pvc glue on it and I'm asking him why? Just why? He says, "What? You can't get it out?" And in my sweet, sweet wifey voice I say, "Are you freaking kidding me? You got BLUE pvc glue on your shirt, your new shirt, do you think I'm Heloise?" And he says, "Who's Heloise?"

Sometimes I am just so grateful that my kids have enough clothes for me to wash and that I'm lucky enough to stay home and do that kind of stuff. Other times, like right this fricking minute, I am not too thrilled with the idea.

And don't get me started on sorting their laundry. I don't even care if they do it wrong, just DO it! It's your chore on Sunday night. So here I am today, Tuesday for those of you who are following along, picking through their room for dirty clothes. Wow, look at the clean clothes that were left on their floor from last week. My guess is they don't need clean clothes if they can leave them on the floor.

I have a neighbor who would put her husband's dirty laundry back in his closet or in his drawers if he didn't put it in the hamper. I'm wondering how well that would go over in my house. Naaah, I'd rather complain about it.

1 comment:

Denise/Nene said...

I have to laugh about the BLUE pvc glue, but only because Josh has done the same thing. Ah, no that shit doesn't come out.