Wednesday, October 14, 2009

You Might Be a Mom...

If you take a shower and get dressed in the afternoon just before picking up kids from school... you might be a mom. If your 19 year old daughter calls and asks what you're doing and you tell her you're getting ready to dry your hair and she asks, "Why? Where are you going?" ... You might be a mom. If you're so proud of yourself you text your friend down the street to tell her you took a shower and she tells you to stop bragging... you might be a mom. If the clothes you pick out to wear smell like dust... you might be a mom. If you put them on anyway and then notice they also have paint on them... you might be a mom.

Either that or I'm pathetic and need new clothes! And loftier goals! LOL

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Who's Sick???

At one time, my oldest daughter asked what I did all day long. Yeah, she didn't make that mistake again. But for anyone who is wondering... come on over. Seriously, come on over and just take a look at this thing called my house that resembles a war zone. Because whatever it is that I do, I did NOT do yesterday. And do you think anyone cares??? Nope, not a one. So here I am, cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. It really does not pay to be sick. One day laying in bed, dozing... because you can not truly sleep with a 3 year old who likes to open your eyelids and ask if you're sleeping, and I'm going to pay for it for days. But go ahead and leave the dishes in the sink, clothes in the floor and by the way, since mom is down for the count, don't put anything where it belongs since she's not looking. That's helpful. Kids... gotta love 'em.